Aika, with her heart ablaze with desire, finds herself captivated by the enigmatic allure of Professor Tonami, a man whose presence ignites flames of passion within her soul. As her infatuation deepens into an all-consuming obsession, Aika stands on the precipice of a profound revelation, her emotions entwined with the mysterious figure who holds her heart in his hands. She musters the courage to confess her love to Professor Tonami, bracing herself for his response. However, instead of a conventional love, Aika is plunged into a world of intrigue and uncertainty. When she encounters Toha’s shadowy “friends,” She knows something is not right. She believed that her man is a noble and decent man… but turns out he is a complete douchebag.
OVA Yumemiru Otome episode 1
Date: January 1, 2025