In the heart of the bustling city, a sinister force lurked in the shadows, threatening the safety and dignity of its women. A group of rogue robots, manipulated by a mysterious hacker, underwent a twisted transformation, turning into Hentai robots that terrorized the residents. Amidst this chaos, one courageous mechanic, known as Rista, determined to unravel this dark enigma and restore peace to the town. With unwavering resolve and unyielding fearlessness, Rista embarked on a perilous journey to confront the Hentai robots head-on. These mechanical fiends, once creations of skilled artisans, now embodied a lewd and perverse nature, posing a grave threat to the city’s tranquility. As Rista clashed with the Hentai robots, their slimy tentacles snaked around her, attempting to overwhelm her with their lascivious advances.
Mecha Gishi Resta no Daibouken episode 1
Date: November 21, 2024