Category: Kyokugen Chikan Tokuiten 3 The Animation
In the midst of the chaos and turmoil that has beffalls Japan, the arrival of the foreign multinational corporation “Monderun” has cast a dark shadow over the once serene land of Yamajiro. The tranquil city of Yaba Castle, known for its beauty, is now a battleground for the ruthless and heinous acts of the overseas invaders. Japanese women, known as the Yamato Nadeshiko, are being devoured by the audacious and despicable actions of the foreign aggressors. crowded trains of Japan are on the brink of a crisis as the invasion threatens the safety and peace of the people. In this dire situation, the elite warriors of the weakened dark organization “Bachikan” stand ready to confront the foreign intruders. Among them is Kiichi, a skilled fighter who has just completed a brief respite and is now determined to eradicate the foreign threat with his deadly martial arts technique, the 72 Finger Technique. In the heat of lust, Kiichi’s skills shine.