Category: Katei Kyoushi x Saimin 2 The Animation
Masato Shimamura, the protagonist, found himself trapped in a complex web of desire, power, and vengeance. The story revolved around his childhood friend, Shinjo Haruna, a stunning beauty with a hidden malevolent personality, and her perverted sister, Shinji Serina, who possessed an attractive physique but had a self-centered nature. These two individuals had become a constant source of torment for Masato. However, a significant twist of fate occurred when Masato encountered Sakiko Ichinose, the enigmatic owner of a private club known as “Gentildonna.” It was during this encounter that Sakiko provided Masato with a powerful hypnosis device that claimed to grant him the ability to manipulate both the minds and bodies of others at will. Motivated by a burning desire for revenge against the Shinjo sisters, Masato decided to test the hypnosis device on Shinji Serina.