Category: Fleur The Animation
Our protagonist finds himself in a thrilling situation with Shinonome-san, the dedicated and caring editor of his explicit manga. Despite knowing that he shouldn’t entertain sexual thoughts about her, his naughty fantasies grow stronger each day. One day, while lost in the bathroom, indulging in vivid images of her naked form, an unexpected and exciting mishap occurs as he accidentally ejaculates when Mrs. Shinonome walks in. This embarrassing moment only fuels his desires further. Adding to the excitement, Shinonome takes on the role of a seductive housewife in his new erotic manga. Dressed in nothing but an apron, she calls him “Master” and teases him with her alluring and barely covered body. As their desires collide, Shinonome-san notices his undeniable arousal and boldly encourages him to explore their unconventional “marital sex” encounters.