Fleur The Animation episode 2

Haruki finds himself on the set of the AV shoot accompanied by the gorgeous bespectacled editor, Shinonome-san. To his surprise, he encounters his former classmate, Minami Yuna, who has now transitioned into an AV actress. The sight of the alluring transformation in Minami, whom he once admired, sends a rush of excitement through Haruki. Unable to resist the temptation, he excuses himself to the restroom. As the plot thickens in the second scene of the episode, we are introduced to Nanri Satsuki-sensei, a glamorous and sensual female manga artist whom Haruki used to assist. Little does Haruki know that Satsuki-sensei has been discreetly observing his body for the sake of her artwork. “I need some new reference material,” she boldly remarks asking Haruki to get naked. Without warning, Satsuki-sensei initiates a blowjob.

Date: January 16, 2025